Friday, February 1, 2008


OK so a lot of things have gone on in the past month and for much of it we were sans internet connection.

Erin turned 1 on January 4th. We didn't get to celebrate it due to my hospital stay and our move back to New Hampshire. We have decided to throw a party for her on her due date, Valentine's Day, so look for a picture or two at that time.

Speaking of Erin, she is walking all the time now but still drops down and crawls quite a bit. She is also saying a few more words now, of which her favorite is "hot". It has become her all purpose word and she uses it for everything.

Rachel has been a complete daddy's girl the past month, I think she was scared of losing me while I was in the hospital. In the interim she has become a pretty good Uno player and we usually spend an hour or so every night after dinner playing. Rachel hasn't quite grasped the whole good winner/sore loser thing yet but we are working on that and hopefully one day she will learn the joys of winning and/or losing graciously! Additionally, it appears that she is going through another growth spurt as all of her pants are high waters now. I swear this girl is going to be 6 feet tall one day!

We moved back to New Hampshire for the short term. Like the pair of geniuses we are Mindy and I forgot the big bin that contained our winter clothes - not a good thing in New Hampshire during the winter. So we are making due with the bare minimum. We bought Erin a bear suit that is quite warm and Rachel already has her winter coat with her. Mindy and I are making due with the jackets we were wearing in Virginia, which aren't made for a New England winter. We are staying in a house previously occupied by a family that we were good friends with, the Andersons, while they are in California doing an externship. So we have yet another address until May 31st! Seriously it is scary how many addresses we have had in the past few years.

Mindy's mom Regina (AKA Grammy Guzza) came out to help us out for a few weeks while things settled down. She was an immense help and I told her that will have to find excuses to get her back out here again to "help out".

School started up again and after all that time out there working I really don't feel like doing the school thing again. Its a real drag but the good news is I will have a JD in 4 months!

Mindy and I decided to go on diets, well in all honesty Mindy told me we are going on diets and so far it has worked out well for us. My appetite still hasn't recovered from the hospital stay, which is a good thing while trying to lose weight.

I'll get new photos posted soon. Sorry for the long absence.

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