Thursday, March 6, 2008


We drove down to sub-tropical New Jersey (at least when compared to New Hampshire) during break and were quite excited as we headed south and were able to see the ground again. Overall the week was nice, we spent lots of time with my Mom and my sister Sarah, and even had the opportunity to spend time with my Aunt Lu and Tom as well as my Uncle Roy and Aunt Cory.

Mom was well prepared for the news about us moving to Arizona, but I don't think she believes it or just doesn't want to deal with it at the moment.

Highlight of the trip, for me at least, was that my Uncle Roy opened up about our family history. He provided me with a ton of names and stories about our relatives and history that were both interesting and tragic. The funny thing was that I don't think anyone realized he had so much knowledge about our family history and he is a fantastic resource.

All in all, it we lived it up in the warm (40s!) weather and were quite sad when we returned to New Hampshire only to discover another foot and a half of snow piled on top of our already gigantic snow banks. Well spring ought to arrive right before we move so I ought to see a little nice weather before hitting the desert.

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