Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sign of the Times

I always wonder what should count as baby's first word. Is it when the say "mama" or "dada", when they parrot something you say or is it when they say a word and obviously understand its meaning?

Erin has been saying mama, dada, and all the usual baby words for quite some time and recently she began parroting our speech. The funniest example has to be when I use my "authority voice" to get her attention, usually when she is climbing the stairs, to which now she responds with a "no". It is hard not to laugh and often I do.

This is the usual exchange now:

Me - "ERIN!"

Erin - "No"

Me - laughter

I really wish it wasn't so funny because I am trying to establish boundaries, such as don't climb the steps or put small objects in her mouth. Oh well, so much for being an authority figure in her life...

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